Dentists recommend 2 checkups per year. Book Your Checkup Today.

At what age should my child first see the dentist?

At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics, we follow guidelines established by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, which states that children should be seen by a dentist before their first birthday.

Following these guidelines helps Justin Mund, DDS oversee your child’s earliest tooth eruptions and helps him take care of any potential problems early. The goal of our Fort Worth, TX dental office, after all, is to set your child on a course for excellent dental health into adulthood.

It is important to bring your child in as soon as they begin to have teeth showing! This usually occurs around 6 months old. Things can change quickly at this age. Even babies under 12 months old can have cavities! Cavities can occur on the back of teeth where parents can’t see and in locations you can see. Ideally, babies should be seen every 3 months up until they are 3 years old. This way, we can catch everything early on and teach parents how to care for their babies’ teeth. After age 3, we start seeing them every 6 months.

Here at Smile Ninja Dental, the goal is to set your children on a course for excellent dental health all the way into adulthood. It is important to establish healthy oral habits early in order to help prevent decay and to build a relationship of trust with the dentist. We are big believers in preventative dentistry meaning we provide you with helpful tips and practical advice to keep your child’s teeth healthy at home. Our team always partners with parents in this way because we know that parents are the very best advocates for their children. Our doctors have plenty of experience when it comes to children's dental care and love going over anything you can do to help your child maintain healthy oral habits.

Our little Smile Ninjas love our dental office, and we’re sure that your child will love it, too.