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Is it necessary to fix cavities in baby teeth?

Yes, baby teeth will fall out eventually. But their gums, tongue, and cheeks won't, so the bacteria won't be leaving with the baby teeth. It will just travel to the permanent teeth! Which means the cavities are only going to get bigger and cause infection in the mouth. That can lead to serious health problems. Taking care of cavities early on can ensure a healthy oral cavity for life if proper hygiene is followed as well.

Studies have found that a cavity needs 4 things to form. A tooth, food, time, and the bacteria that cause decay. Once this bacteria gets into the mouth and multiplies, it can attack other teeth. As early as the age of 5, children can grow permanent teeth and if the baby teeth have cavities, it can spread to the permanent teeth easily. We want to get ALL of the cavities out so that we give kids a healthy start with their adult teeth.

Another way we have seen cavities form can be attributed to their family also! As we share food with mom, dad, grandparents or siblings who have cavities, it can pass to the kids. This is why it's important for everyone in the family to take care of their oral health and treat any issues they may have.