Dentists recommend 2 checkups per year. Book Your Checkup Today.

Why is my child crying?

Here at Smile Ninja, we know all too well the fear and anxiety that some children can experience when seeing the Dentist. We work tirelessly to give your child a relaxed and memorable environment when they come into our office. Creating positive experiences at a young age is important in creating healthy oral habits for life. By maintaining consistent positive visits, we can ensure healthy habits as they get older. When patients cry, it often is associated with the fear of not understanding what is happening around them or what is being done for them. That is why we strive so hard to create positive habits. We strive to help your children become comfortable and allow our staff to complete any treatment necessary. We love when children are curious and ask questions about the equipment we use and what to expect! Our goal is a positive experience. The more we can explain how we brush their teeth, take x-rays, and do a full exam or any other treatment in an age-appropriate manner, the less likely they are to be afraid.