Little Smiles Are Our Top Priority

a young boy is smiling and wearing a striped shirt

Children's Dentistry

a man sitting next to a little girl holding a stuffed animal
a group of people standing next to each other

Children’s Dentistry: Goals for Little Smiles

Our team works hard to make each child feel at home. We also give children goals to reach as they become little Smile Ninjas on their own, encouraging bravery and good habits along the way. We offer plenty of positive reinforcement and of course, prizes!

How Often Should My Child Visit the Dentist?

Our Fort Worth, TX dentist follows the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommendation that kids should see the dentist at least twice per year for exams and cleanings. We make this easy for kids and parents alike with a flexible schedule and by offering adult dental care too.

How We Protect Your Child’s Teeth

Our Smile Ninja, Justin Mund, DDS pays attention to the way your child’s teeth are coming in, making sure they develop properly. He looks for cavities both during the exam and on x-rays.In older children, he pays special attention to permanent teeth alignment to be sure that your child will not face overcrowding or a crooked smile. We often evaluate kids as young as seven for early orthodontics.
Appointments may include professional teeth cleanings, sealants, and fluoride treatments. Our dentist customizes children’s dentistry based on your child’s unique needs.Our goal is to give your child healthy teeth and gums for life, which includes encouraging your child to make healthy choices, to feel confident about brushing and flossing, and to aspire to be a little Smile Ninja!

A Partnership with Parents and Children

In our Fort Worth, TX dental office, we do more than fix dental problems, we also like to teach your child about their teeth and make them feel good about the choices they make. We work closely with you, the parent, to ensure you have everything you need to make your little one’s smile glow between visits.

Dentistry for Special Needs or Differently-Abled Children

When it comes to children with special needs, our team is experienced at working with all types of kids and their needs. It’s part of what makes your little one unique!

We have put in long hours of study and practice to make sure every child is able to get the best dental care based on their specific needs. Every child deserves the very best dentistry possible, and we have a few things to help us along the way:

  • Fun distractions for kids.
  • Early quiet hours for a calming environment.
  • Weighted blankets for security.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help prevent my child from getting cavities?

The best way to avoid cavities in children is to lessen or eliminate sugary snacks and beverages. This includes sweetened sports drinks, certain cereals, crackers, sweetened gummy vitamins, and fruit juices.

Another good practice is instilling good oral hygiene habits in children when they are very young. The team at Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics can help with this. We find that our littlest patients enjoy their Smile Ninja status and sharing good oral-health news with parents and staff members following exams.

In infants, we recommend rubbing their gums with a damp cloth to gently clear away bacteria. Justin Mund, DDS may also suggest a special toothbrush after your child’s first few teeth erupt. It’s also important to remember to use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste because young children tend to swallow the paste.

These practices are a great start when it comes to reducing cavities, but regular dental exams and cleanings are still critical to remove the stubborn bacteria that brushing leaves behind.

Our Fort Worth, TX dental office also offers fluoride and dental sealants to strengthen your child’s teeth and help prevent cavities.

At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics, we believe that keeping a child’s teeth healthy relies on a partnership between parents, our team, and eventually, your child as he or she grows.

Is it necessary to fix cavities in baby teeth?

Yes, baby teeth will fall out eventually. But their gums, tongue, and cheeks won't, so the bacteria won't be leaving with the baby teeth. It will just travel to the permanent teeth! Which means the cavities are only going to get bigger and cause infection in the mouth. That can lead to serious health problems. Taking care of cavities early on can ensure a healthy oral cavity for life if proper hygiene is followed as well.

Studies have found that a cavity needs 4 things to form. A tooth, food, time, and the bacteria that cause decay. Once this bacteria gets into the mouth and multiplies, it can attack other teeth. As early as the age of 5, children can grow permanent teeth and if the baby teeth have cavities, it can spread to the permanent teeth easily. We want to get ALL of the cavities out so that we give kids a healthy start with their adult teeth.

Another way we have seen cavities form can be attributed to their family also! As we share food with mom, dad, grandparents or siblings who have cavities, it can pass to the kids. This is why it's important for everyone in the family to take care of their oral health and treat any issues they may have.

Why is my child crying?

Here at Smile Ninja, we know all too well the fear and anxiety that some children can experience when seeing the Dentist. We work tirelessly to give your child a relaxed and memorable environment when they come into our office. Creating positive experiences at a young age is important in creating healthy oral habits for life. By maintaining consistent positive visits, we can ensure healthy habits as they get older. When patients cry, it often is associated with the fear of not understanding what is happening around them or what is being done for them. That is why we strive so hard to create positive habits. We strive to help your children become comfortable and allow our staff to complete any treatment necessary. We love when children are curious and ask questions about the equipment we use and what to expect! Our goal is a positive experience. The more we can explain how we brush their teeth, take x-rays, and do a full exam or any other treatment in an age-appropriate manner, the less likely they are to be afraid.

Are we a pediatric dentist?

We are general dentists with a focus on the whole family's dental needs. While we love seeing children, we also see adults quite often as well. We strive for a safe, attentive, fun, but efficient experience for all our families. We make the office fun and positive for everyone. We offer many amenities for patient entertainment like a playroom, prize wall, a toy machine and we allow them to pick out their favorite shows on Netflix to watch while we look over their teeth. All of this makes them look forward to seeing us at our offices.

Pediatric dentists focus solely on the development of teeth from first eruption through their teenage years. Here at Smile Ninja Dental, we care for almost all ages as well as special needs patients who need focused care when it comes to dentistry.

At what age should my child first see the dentist?

At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics, we follow guidelines established by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, which states that children should be seen by a dentist before their first birthday.

Following these guidelines helps Justin Mund, DDS oversee your child’s earliest tooth eruptions and helps him take care of any potential problems early. The goal of our Fort Worth, TX dental office, after all, is to set your child on a course for excellent dental health into adulthood.

It is important to bring your child in as soon as they begin to have teeth showing! This usually occurs around 6 months old. Things can change quickly at this age. Even babies under 12 months old can have cavities! Cavities can occur on the back of teeth where parents can’t see and in locations you can see. Ideally, babies should be seen every 3 months up until they are 3 years old. This way, we can catch everything early on and teach parents how to care for their babies’ teeth. After age 3, we start seeing them every 6 months.

Here at Smile Ninja Dental, the goal is to set your children on a course for excellent dental health all the way into adulthood. It is important to establish healthy oral habits early in order to help prevent decay and to build a relationship of trust with the dentist. We are big believers in preventative dentistry meaning we provide you with helpful tips and practical advice to keep your child’s teeth healthy at home. Our team always partners with parents in this way because we know that parents are the very best advocates for their children. Our doctors have plenty of experience when it comes to children's dental care and love going over anything you can do to help your child maintain healthy oral habits.

Our little Smile Ninjas love our dental office, and we’re sure that your child will love it, too.

Why are baby teeth important?

While baby teeth are temporary, they play a crucial role in a child's oral development. They aid in speech, help with proper chewing of food, and reserve space for the permanent teeth. Maintaining their health can prevent future dental issues.

What are dental sealants and does my child need them?

Dental sealants are thin protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars. They act as a barrier against decay-causing bacteria. Sealants are especially beneficial for children who are more susceptible to cavities.

How often should my child see the dentist?

For most children, we recommend a checkup and cleaning every six months. Regular visits allow us to monitor your child's oral development, catch potential issues early, and reinforce good dental habits.

What is Phase 1 Orthodontics?

Phase 1 Orthodontics, often termed "early intervention orthodontics," is designed to address bite and spacing issues in growing children, usually between the ages of 6 and 10. It sets the stage for successful Phase 2 Orthodontics when all the permanent teeth have erupted.

My child has a dental emergency. What should I do?

Firstly, stay calm. Contact our office immediately, and we'll provide guidance on the next steps. Whether it's a broken tooth or a toothache, we're here to assist and ensure your child's comfort and safety.

What if my child is anxious about dental visits?

It's common for children to feel apprehensive about dental appointments. At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics, our team is trained to work with children of all temperaments. We use kid-friendly language, offer distractions, and employ techniques to ensure a positive experience.

Are fluoride treatments necessary for my child?

Fluoride strengthens the tooth enamel and helps prevent tooth decay. While it's commonly found in tap water and toothpaste, a professional fluoride treatment can offer additional protection, especially for children at higher risk for cavities.

How can I prepare my child for their first dental visit?

Speak positively about the dentist, read them children's books about dental visits, and let them know what to expect. You can also practice "playing dentist" at home or bring them for a non-appointment visit to familiarize them with the office environment.

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