Easy Extractions from a Gentle Dentist

Teeth Extractions

a young boy wearing a blue and white shirt

All About Tooth Extractions

Dr. Mund and patient
a little girl sitting in a chair with her hand on her face

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth are located at the back of your mouth and come in much later than your other teeth and do not serve a purpose—late teens and early twenties are the most common time for their arrival. In many cases, they press against your needed teeth, which can mean jaw pain and other specific dental issues.Additionally, wisdom teeth are sometimes unable to erupt through the gums because of spacing issues. This leaves you with partial eruptions that can lead to gum infections and dental emergencies.Dr. Mund applies Ninja-like stealth to remove your wisdom teeth quickly and with ease.At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics, your comfort matters! This is why we offer television and blankets. We simply want you to feel at home and like family when you’re with us.

Following Dental Extractions

After an extraction, you may experience mild swelling and discomfort, but this usually disappears after a few days. Dr. Mund will provide the best aftercare instructions and any prescriptions you may need at home. However, over-the-counter ibuprofen is usually enough to see our patients through.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to have my wisdom teeth removed?

Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth out. However, Studies have shown that 95% of people do not have space for their wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth can cause severe issues in the gums, or 'eat' (resorb) the roots of perfectly fine permanent teeth. It’s common for people to have impacted wisdom teeth. These teeth are buried, either partially or completely, in the soft tissue or jaw bone, and are more susceptible to disease and other problems.

To prevent issues, the best time to remove these for most people we've found is in their late teens to early twenties. We've seen kids as young as 12 that needed them removed due to pain! Although that is rare, we still need to keep an eye at this age to prevent future problems.

Even wisdom teeth that come in correctly can develop problems over time because they are so far back in the mouth and difficult to clean. Wisdom teeth are a big cause of periodontal disease which we want to avoid. So if you keep your wisdom teeth, be sure to brush and floss them well, and see your dentist regularly. They also cause shifting of teeth while trying to erupt, pushing on your other molars, which can affect any orthodontic treatment needed in the future. Asking your dentist about why they suggest removing your wisdom teeth can help you see and understand their concerns. Even if you aren't in pain, most removals are preventative rather than responsive.

How much is a tooth extraction?

There are varying degrees of difficulty based on the amount of tissue or bone around the tooth. Thus, the varying prices are based on the type of extraction.

  • A simple extraction would be 150**. If a dentist has one low price, that is because this is all they do and they refer the more difficult ones to an office like ours.
  • Wisdom teeth extractions are the most common and usually fall under the next level of difficulty. That being a surgical extraction ($275) which could require some removal of bone or soft tissue.
  • Then a soft tissue extraction ($325) which is somewhat submerged in gum tissue. A partial bony extraction ($375) is likely under soft tissue and bone, and the most complicated is a complete bony extraction ($400) which is mostly under bone.

We would need a full exam and x-rays ($68) to determine the type of extractions needed for each patient. Common procedures associated with extractions would be nitrous ($50) as well as oral sedation, if necessary.

**All prices are without insurance or any discount plan, and can decrease with help from either. Based on pricing of Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics as of October 2022 and will increase over time.

Does my child need an extraction if their teeth come in behind their baby teeth?

One common concern parents have with their children's teeth is when their permanent teeth come out before the baby, or primary, teeth have fallen out.

Losing baby teeth is a part of growing up. Sometimes things don't go as they should and a permanent tooth erupts out of position, not allowing the root of the baby tooth to be absorbed and dissolve. Normally, when the permanent tooth starts pushing against the baby tooth’s roots, the roots begin to dissolve. Once enough of the root has dissolved away from the baby tooth, it becomes loose and should fall out. However, if the permanent teeth begin growing behind baby teeth, it can miss the baby tooth’s roots, which won’t trigger them to dissolve. This is called an ectopic eruption.

We have kids, too, and don't want to rob them of the experience of growing up and losing teeth. If the permanent teeth start to erupt with the primary teeth being wiggly or loose, it might be best to wait and see if they fall out on their own. But in some cases, they need our help. If the primary teeth are not loose, then most likely they will need to come to one of our Fort Worth, TX offices and have them extracted.

If untreated, “shark teeth” or the formation of permanent teeth behind the baby teeth, can cause deflection of the teeth and move out of position causing problems as they get older. Once the baby tooth is out, your child’s tongue should naturally push the permanent tooth forward into the correct position. Children who have moderate to severe crowding may not have room for the permanent tooth even after the baby tooth is out, and an orthodontic consultation would be appropriate.

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